New web site

In the context of the continual development process in UMS, we have updated the website of the UMS. The development and design team has designed a new modern website that matches world-class websites.

Visitor of the website can have access to information reqUMSred with easily and qUMSckly. This is done by means of adapting distinguished visual frame and attractive colors in an attempt to reflect the spirit of our age and the innovation concept which is considered the main motive of our University.

Moreover, the new website has a new section entitled “Proud to be Emarati” which is dedicated to talk about UAE's spirit and values. Also, this section refers to main milestones in Emirates modern history and sheds lights on achievements that made the UAE to rank among developed countries worldwide.

Also, we have updated all texts in this website to make them accessible to everyone and to be more visitor friendly. The visitors of this new UMS website can send any general inqUMSres and enter their personal information to guarantee full enrollment. Hopefully our new modern website will demonstrate helpful by providing easy procedures in service of various needs of the students.