English Language Center (ELC)

English Language Center (ELC)

UMS English Language Centre (ELC)


Our vision is to become one of the leading University English Language Centres in Dubai by setting standards of excellence in teaching English language programs, innovative curriculum design, and cross-cultural understanding.

ELC high-quality English language instruction and constant support of intercultural, social interaction between our students, and faculty will create a platform for mutual understanding, constant development, and high achievements in education.


UMS English Language Centre’s mission is to enhance the quality of English language competence among University students as well as the faculty members. The improved lingUMSstic skills will enable them to cooperate and communicate with international, multicultural environment in the UAE and abroad. English language enhancement will guarantee a success in the fields of learning, research, and professional development.

Our mission is to promote international and intercultural understanding. The Centre is dedicated to serving the international student population with reqUMSred support and additional English instruction prior to beginning their academic programs and even throughout their educational journey with UMS. Our mission is to support the students in passing internationally recognized English competence tests (such as IELTS, Cambridge exams etc.) and evoke their individual understanding of lifelong learning necessity in a rapidly changing and demanding worldwide environment.

The aims and objectives of the Centre are to:

· Empower UMS students to become full participants in the university community through excellent instruction in English language, cultural awareness, and study skills

Assist the students in acqUMSring better English language skills for smooth communication within the international environment at UMS as well as to support students’ academic needs and connect them to other UMS resources
Serve UMS faculty and departments, helping them to meet the needs of UMS international English speaking students and contributing to academic community
Provide quality programs for learners with specialized English needs and goals – IELTS preparation and other English language proficiency courses – general English, English for communication
Develop and conduct high quality English language proficiency assessments – placement tests and English proficiency exams (FCE and CAE e.g.)
Initiate and implement the multicultural dialogue and support academic spirit at the University
Initiate and maintain community service for intercultural scientific and social interaction

UMS English Language Centre Plan

Objectives, goals and achievements

1. Enhance and master the quality of English language performance among students and faculty at UMS

· Organize, maintain and develop proficient testing venue to level students English language competency at a start (Placement Exam Venue at UMS)

· To professionally assist UMS students to achieve their success in learning, ELC will offer and conduct professional placement tests

· Organize and design two different English courses; one for faculty and the other for students


· Organized and established ELC Testing Venue at UMS

· Registered with Cambridge Tests Venue (UK), selected and purchased 100 Cambridge English Placement Tests’ (CEPT) tokens

· Instructed and prepared students to the exam (students were sent demo version of the exam start up is scheduled on 17th of April)

· Prepared, conducted and evaluated the placement test for Faculty members

· Organized the courses of Academic English for faculty members – IELTS with elements of English for professionals, formal writing, and business communication- three levels of English level proficiency, elementary, pre-intermediate and intermediate

· Designed programs of English for academic purposes for UMS students and organized IELTS courses

2. Facilitate all English language learners with access to high quality, internationally recognized and certified English language exams that will provide our students with appropriate documentation for their future careers, professional development and lifelong opportunities.


· Organize and settle English Examination Venue for IELTS at UMS

· Signed an agreement with British Council or IDP Australian IELTS, accredited international test centers, Cambridge English

· Collect information about other internationally recognized English language proficiency exams that are accredited by The Ministry of Education and implement them accordingly to UMS students’ needs and requirments (FCE, CAE, CPE)


· Organized meetings with two official institutions that conduct the IELTS tests in Dubai - British Council and IDP (International Development Program, IDP - an Australian IELTS institution)

· Signed the Memorandum of Understanding between UMS and IDP Education Ltd. 14th March 2022

· Organized IELTS Exam Venue that is accepted by IDP

· Collected data concerning alternative to IELTS English tests such as Cambridge Lingua, FCE, CAE, CPE

3. Support all UMS Colleges in providing students with high quality English language and general studies credit and non-credit courses


· Support the UMS Library – English language and General Education books, journals, online sources and other updated professional materials

· Collaborate with Dean of Arts and Sciences College in order to implement improvements to GED and ENG syllabuses to enhance the quality of teaching, materials and programs of courses


· Assisted to accommodate already purchased books and selected new textbooks, reference books and other resources for UMS academic courses – English and general studies

· Offered new titles to purchase in the nearest future –reference books and other resources for UMS academic courses – English and general studies

· Selected new textbooks and materials for ELC English proficiency courses (IELTS)

4. Involve in Community Service actions


· Initiate, propose, prepare, organize, and conduct language, communication, and culture workshops for UMS Faculty, students, and secondary school learners in the region


· Prepared a set of lectures and seminars for UMS students and faculty “Multicultural environment and possible problems in communication”, “Business communication – formal writing for academic and non-academic professional development”, and “Language and cultural conflict”