V.P.A.A Message

V.P.A.A Message

At UMS we continue to strive towards greatness, not just offering another course or program, but truly aligning ourselves with the business and societal needs regarding professional qualifications and developing our students accordingly. In terms of developing our students and preparing them for future employment and societal contribution, we focus on a number of developmental dimensions, ensuring a complete bouquet of aspects. These include the ability to practice a variety of leadership thinking disciplines and skills (strategy, future and design thinking) as well as the ability to lead, manage and act in a responsible manner as our students progress from managing self, to managing others and teams and finally managing organisations and society at large.

In accordance with this aim we foster at the University, we offer programs aligned with the UAE 2030 vision and the latest trend setting demands from the business world. These contribute to the operation of our various colleges: Art and Science, Tourism, Law, Business, Biotechnology and Mass Communication.

However, at UMS, it is not just about developing our students and preparing them for the future, but it is also about developing our teaching and support staff to provide the best possible teaching and learning experience to our students. In this regard, UMS is engaged with a number of world-leading institutions for programs in faculty development, support staff training and research. We also engage actively with the working world through our advising councils, consisting of both academic and working practitioners and experts, constantly revising, updating and improving our program content of those programs offered, as well as investigating possible future programs to be added.

UMS assists the student from start to finish with offers and support in pre-master courses, foundation programs, under graduate and postgraduate courses. Not only do we focus on the academic development of our students, but we focus on the holistic development of our students through and in-house Learning and Support Academy, exposure to practice through our internships and conferences and key-note addresses from experts in practice. At UMS it is about the experience of student life plus the preparedness for the working life. We aim to partner with our students through treating them as life-long learners, offering continuous contact through our alumni association and various social initiatives.


Prof. Noureldin Abdelhakim
Vice President