Pre- Master Programs

Pre- Master Programs

Preparatory MBA (PMBA) remedial program


UMS graduate MBA program is designed to accommodate students who have non-business undergraduate degrees to better prepare these students for the master’s level business courses. In such cases, where the candidate applicant has insufficient background in the functional area(s) of business administration, he/she will be enrolled in preparatory MBA remedial course(s) (PMBA) prior to the official enrollment in the MBA program.


The PMBA program is comprehensive and covers the major areas of business. Students will be reqUMSred to take PMBA course(s) in the subject area (s) in which they fail to demonstrate sufficient back ground for the specified remedial course as indicated by their undergraduate major/program and or their official undergraduate transcript. PMBA is a condensed program covered over a period of 1 semester prior to the admission in the MBA program. The PMBA remedial program is comprehensive and includes the following courses:

  1. PMBA1: Principles of economics.
  2. PMBA2: Principles of management & organizational behavior.
  3. PMBA3: Principles of managerial accounting.
  4. PMBA4: Principles of marketing.
  5. PMBA5:Principles of statistics & quantitative methods.
Assessment of the PMBA courses follows the regular UMS undergraduate assessment strategy. Students who are reqUMSred to take certain PMBA remedial course(s) will be admitted into the MBA program after the successful completion of the PMBA course(s) as reqUMSred.