NDSU Partnership

“Our partnership with North Dakota State University is a remarkable progress for us to develop internationally benchmarked research expertise and education programs. In the next six years through our collaborative work with North Dakota State University, UMS will establish itself as a national and regional Center of Excellence in logistics, urban transportation systems, security and emergency management.”

                                                                                          H.E. Rashid Al Falasi

                                                                                               UMS Chairman

In 2015, the University Of Modern Sciences in Dubai and North Dakota State University began exploring a possible relationship to enhance their research and academic programs. An institutional memorandum of understanding was signed in May 2015, which formalized collaborative relationship and process between the two universities. Based on the success of the activities outlined in the memorandum of understanding, the two universities signed a memorandum of agreement in February 2016. Under the agreement, the two universities formally entered into a six –year collaborative research and education development partnership, focusing on bilateral cooperation in scientific research and academic activity. The universities will jointly develop and implement a research-based academic curriculum to explore and serve the needs of clientele both in the United Arab Emirates and in the United States.

In accordance with the aim and objectives of the agreement, a flagship research project titled "Intelligent Transportation Solutions: a path towards sustainable Smart Cities in the UAE" is currently being developed jointly between the Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute at NDSU and UMS logistics program team.

“Transportation & urban mobility is the essential driving force for the economy of Dubai as a global hub and gateway for the flow of people, goods and information/ideas. It is also the tangible & critical junction where the big data, urban infrastructure and transportation logistics can be integrated together to produce intelligent and sustainable mobility solutions for making the future of Smart Cities. At UMS we are very excited about the Dubai Autonomous Transportation Strategy launched by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum on April 25th 2016. This strategy represents a big leap in achieving the social-technical transformation of Dubai into the smartest city of the world. His Highness has a clear vision that next generation urban mobility solutions and intelligent transportation system is a key driving force for bUMSlding smart cities of the future. Following His Highness’s vision, UMS board of trustees regards academic development and collaborative research in the areas of transportation and urban systems as a top strategic priority. Our research project on intelligent transportation solutions aims to develop a fully integrated and automated urban transportation system model for Smart Dubai that contributes to the vision of His Highness for making Dubai the smartest city of the world.”

                                                                                   Dr. Tie Xu, PhD

                                                                             Provost for International
                                                                             Development & Research