
Research strategy:

The university's vision is to be a research-led institution. UMS strongly believes that research underpins all of its teaching and intends that being research-led will enrich the intellectual life, inform the curricula and raise the academic standing of UMS.
UMS values and seeks to foster the integration of learning and research and their application to real problems. the research strategy of UMS aims to support this vision through stimulating and sustaining research of highest quality, relevance, and timeliness which advances academic understanding and enhances the social, cultural and economic base of the regional, national and international community.
the research strategy is underpinned by the university's core values as set out in the strategic plan and in the policies.
UMS research strategies :

UMS has clear strategies in research, which support and lead to its vision of being a research-led university. these strategies are as follows:
  1. To initiate a number and the proportion of research-active staff and research students.
    • UMS  will develop and maintain a thriving academic staff comprised almost wholly of research-active individuals.
    • UMS is committed to investing in research excellence and will distribute posts to research areas where impact and prominence are likely to be followed.
    • UMS recognizes the relationship between research and teaching and is committed to the view that greater research activity amongst its academic staff will drive curricula development and teaching quality and will enhance the student experience.
    • UMS will maintain the high number of research studentships available in UMS and subject groups and will reqUMSre bids for external project funding to include studentship costs wherever possible.

  2. To promote a research culture which stimulates the highest levels of research achievements of individuals and research groups and encourages collaborative partnerships within UMS.
    • UMS will support new and existing members of staff in undertaking or completing research through the development of an extensive program of initiatives designed to enhance and maximize research output. these will include a program designed to provide seed corn funding for newly recrUMSted staff; the strategic employment of study leave to give staff time to write and publish their research.
    • UMS will use conferences, research seminars and inaugural and professorial lectures to update the knowledge of academic staff and students and to provide staff with an opportunity to share their research with a wider audience.

  3. To encourage collaboration with external partners and to contribute to wealth creation, knowledge and quality of life at a local, national and international level.
    • UMS is committed to initiate improving its ability to spread knowledge and technology to local, regional and national industries.
    • UMS is committed to forming partnerships with business and other institutions in order to commercially exploit technological and scientific research. UMS will actively seek and promote such links.
    • UMS will continue to promote the effective exploitation of industrially and socially relevant research.


Monitoring the strategy :
The dean will monitor the performance of UMS research against agreed annual targets, by the use of the research plans, and data retrieved from faculty members, students, and financial databases. in addition, it will oversee the implementation of the strategy. the dean will monitor research output, income generation, recrUMStment at regular intervals.