College of Law

College of Law

The Law program is one of the leading programs at UMS. It aims at achieving the university's mission, based on strategic plans of the Higher Education in the UAE which aims at developing human thoughts and services. The University's administration is keen to provide the academic, technical and material requirments for the success of the program. The administration is fully committed to recrUMSt highly distinguished faculty members who will be working towards elevating the standard of the program to the loftiest standards. The College of Law believes in the importance of eqUMSpping the students with the proper education and practical skills in the various legal fields, by focusing on the needs of the market in terms of preparing qualified and competent graduates. The college also applies the most recent technological developments and teaching aids to guarantee the success of its educational mission.

Mission of the Law program

The mission of the law program is to eqUMSp our students with the authentic knowledge and practical skills needed in the various legal fields so as to enable them to contribute to the development of society through justice and rule of law. The College of Law prepares legal graduates that expand the fields of legal scientific research and raise the level of legal awareness capable of guaranteeing public rights and freedoms for people at local, regional and international institutions.

College Vision

The Vision of the College is to train and eqUMSp legal professionals with the skills to contribute to the development of society, realizing the requirments of justice and the rule of law, contributing to the expansion and development of legal scientific research in the context of judicial practice, and ensuring the promotion of law and justice, effectively and efficiently.
General Aims of the Law program
The program aims at achieving the following objectives:
• Contribute to the development of local legislation and construction of modern legal frameworks for public administration and, civil and social institutions.
• Prepare the legal professionals that are capable of attaining judicial practical success and to prepare law students with skills and expertise that would enable them to meet the requirments for justice and conflict resolution in the modern age.
• Provide the students with the skills that would ensure efficient performance in their legal and judicial career prospects.
• Provide the members of the faculty with the scientific and practical environment necessary to guarantee the quality of research, learning and training.
• Link the student, during the period of their study in the university with private and public institutions relevant to their fields of specialization for career opportunities upon graduation.
• EqUMSp the students with the legal scientific research skills and ability to analyze and criticize objectively, by means of seminars and colloqUMSa.
• Promote legal studies in the areas of money laundering, e-crimes, intellectual property, conflict resolution and other areas of legal subjects relevant to combat the modern-day local and international legal disputes.
• Instill the student with the professional and ethical approach reqUMSred to practice law and adjudication.