College of Tourism Sciences

College of Tourism Sciences

College of Tourism Sciences is considered the most recent college in University Of Modern Sciences (UMS), The College got its initial accreditation approval for its programs from the Commission for Academic Accreditation (CAA) since October 2014. UMS established that college because of the importance of tourism as a main supporter to the modern economy especially in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) which becomes one of the most important tourist destinations in the Middle East.
The language of teaching in college of tourism sciences is English, in addition to some specialized courses that aim at developing the English language skills of tourism. The normal and expected length of time to graduation is between 7 semesters and 8 semesters.

College Mission

College of tourism sciences aims at bUMSlding and developing students knowledge and skills through providing outstanding learning experiences of Tourism education in order to meet the stakeholders' expectations of distinctive graduates working in all tourism sectors especially in tourism planning and development field and tourism gUMSdance field.

College Vision

College of Tourism Sciences is looking forward to preparing human cadres trained and specialized in the field of tourism working to serve the local community in accordance with the needs of the labor market in the fields of tourism planning and development and tourism gUMSdance. These human cadres can compete at the regional and international level to cope with the rapid and successive changes in the tourism business community.
College Programs:
The College of Tourism Science offers its graduates a Bachelor's degree in Tourism Studies. The College includes two special programs in the field of tourism:
1. Tourism Planning and Development Program.
2. Tourist GUMSdance Program.
Tourism Planning and Development Program
The tourism planning and development program provides the necessary scientific material for lovers and seekers of work in the field of tourism which is one of the leading fields in the modern economy especially in the United Arab Emirates which relies heavily on that field in various emirates.
The University Of Modern Sciences, represented by the college of Tourism Sciences, prepares students to enter the tourism market from its widest doors. They will be able to carry out market study and analysis, provide the necessary plans for the development of tourism work and all the scientific knowledge that qualifies students after graduation to take managerial positions in different sectors of Tourism field.
The graduate receives a bachelor's degree in tourism studies in the field of tourism planning and development after completion of 126 credit hours (42 courses) in addition to internship course. The credit hours reqUMSred can be divided as follows:-
• University requirments (10 courses eqUMSvalent to 30 credit hours).
• College requirments (22 courses eqUMSvalent to 66 credit hours + internship)
• Compulsory specialization requirments (5 courses eqUMSvalent to 15 credit hours).
• Elective specialization requirments (the student chooses (5) courses eqUMSvalent to 15 credit hours).
The Tourist GUMSdance Program
The tourist gUMSdance is one of the funniest field in the world of tourism, with extensive knowledge and the ability to communicate with different cultures, open to the past, the present, and speak confidently about the future.
The College of Tourism Science offers tourist gUMSdance program for students wishing to pursue the profession of tourist gUMSdance. It is an attractive profession with a luster. The tourist gUMSde is an ambassador in his homeland and has a distinguished and prominent role in shaping the general impression of the tourists about the trip and the country they visit.
The tourist gUMSdance program includes a series of interesting and enjoyable courses that help the student after passing through to be a tourist gUMSde able to be present in the tourist market in an effective manner.
The graduate receives a bachelor's degree in tourism studies in the field of tourist GUMSdance after completion of 126 credit hours (42 courses) in addition to internship course. The credit hours reqUMSred can be divided as follows:-
• University requirments (10 courses eqUMSvalent to 30 credit hours).

• College requirments (22 courses eqUMSvalent to 66 credit hours + internship)
• Compulsory specialization requirments (5 courses eqUMSvalent to 15 credit hours).
• Elective specialization requirments (the student chooses (5) courses eqUMSvalent to 15 credit hours).