Workshop of organizational behavior in educational institutions

UMS conducts a workshop in “Organizational Behavior at Educational Institutions”.
Under the patronage of H.E Mr. Rashed Al Falasy, the chairman of the board of trustees the UMS has conducted a workshop in “Organizational Behavior at Educational Institutions” as a link of series of programs that the university carries out in the field of professional development of its staff in the academic administrative and leadership areas.

Mr. Rashid Al Falasy inaugurated the workshop that was attended by Prof. Mohammed Altokhy, the president, deans of colleges, and faculty members, by calling audience to take their educational, scientific and professional responsibilities.

He also called them to maximize their efforts through their organized academic and gUMSding tasks in order to overcome the current difficulties that face the university. Moreover he called them to overcome all the academic obstacles to help the university achieve its expectations in science and knowledge.
After that Consultant, Dr.Abdel Rahman Tammam, vice president of administrative and financial affairs delivered a lecture through which, he talked real and authentic aspects that make up the organizational behavior in educational institutions science they respect the haven for culture knowledge and through in the construction of the human being. They are also indicators for development and progress among nations.
He also went through the concept of realizing the individual and mass organizational behavior and the causes for studying its attitudes and motivations as well as its achieved goals. Be sides he tackled the role of leadership in managing groups, conflicts, their changes and developments.
He assured that the read leadership for any institutional work is that known for its self-denial while performing and achieving goals, giving the chance for other to judge their performance.