Loan Privileges & Fine

Students (Official photo ID reqUMSred to check out books)


Books: 2 weeks - Maximum of 2 checked out at a time

Books:  5 books for a month, 2 for a semester

Journals/Magazines: 1 week - Maximum of 2 journals/magazines

Journals/Magazines: 1 week - Maximum of 2 journals/magazines

Videos & DVDs - 1 week - Maximum of 2

Videos & DVDs - 1 month - Maximum of 2

Reserves: In-library use material is due back before students leave the Library

Reference Items- material is due back before staff leave the Library


Books: 1 month - Maximum of 2 checked out at a time



 Any borrower failing to renew or return borrowed material by the due date shall be liable to pay a fine calculated on the following scale:
  • Books: Dhs. 5 per day.
  • Magazines/Journal: Dhs. 5 per day.
  • Recalled items: Dhs. 10 per day.