Borrow, Renew or Recall

1. What do I need to borrow an item?

• You need your valid University ID card when borrowing materials in the Library.
• The ID Card presented must belong to the holder.
• Items on hold may only be released to the requestor.
• Loan periods and renewal options vary according to borrower status and type of material

2. How can I renew my books?

• To renew books online, log in to your Library Account and use your UMS log in ID and password.
• Select the item to be renewed. Once confirmed the system will provide you with new due date of return
• Items may be renewed as per the UMS Library policy
• You will not be able to use the self-renewal option if the item has been recalled by another patron, or if your record is blocked for any reason. In such cases, the item must be brought into the library.

3. How can an item be recalled?

• Books you check out may be recalled for another user at any time.
• The library will notify you to return the book by the new recall due date.
• Once a book is recalled, the original due date is no longer in effect, and recall fines can accrue.
• You are guaranteed use of the material for at least 14 days
• You may also recall books that are checked out.
• You will be receiving an automated generated email to collect the item within 24 hrs. once the requested item is available, If you failed to collect the item the reservation stands cancelled.